Media Under Dystopia 2.0 - MUD 2.0-Exhibition runs thru March 3

Media Under Dystopia 2.0 - MUD 2.0-Exhibition runs thru March 3

The exhibition Media Under Dystopia MUD 2.0 highlights artwork encapsulating the complexities of art in the digital age. Alba Triana, Yucef Mehri, Leo Castaneda, Jose Ignacio Hernandez, and Rodolfo Peraza offer the audience an opportunity to experience art and its intersection with technology.

MUD 2.0 introduces the audience to a hybrid experience on both physical and virtual platforms aiming to extend the in-person experience to the digital realm. The virtual Xart metaverse experience will be available through the platform.

The MUD 2.0 hybrid exhibition will run from December 3, 2021, to March 3, 2022.

MUD Foundation Inc
Address 350 Northeast 75th Street, Unit 360-123, Miami, 33138
Operating Hours Wednesday to Friday, from 2pm-5pm

Media Under Dystopia 2.0 is made possible with the support of the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs and the Cultural Affairs Council, the Miami-Dade County Mayor, and the Board of County Commissioners.

Age Appropriateness all ages

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